3rd TIMC-ADMA-NC Outreach Program for UG


National College, Tiruchirappalli 620001

3rd Outreach Program for Undergraduate students in Mathematics
for the year 2017-18

Jointly organized by
The India Mathematics Consortium, Academy of Discrete Mathematics and Applications and National College, Tiruchirappalli 620001

 The 3rd Outreach Program in Mathematics for the Undergraduate students will be held during May 14-19 and May 22-27, 2018 (12 days) at National College.

The main aim of this Program is to teach foundations in the basic disciplines in mathematics at the UG level so that the students get better equipped in problem-solving techniques and to face the JAM exams (entrance exams for IITs and NITs).

 The following topics are to be covered:

  • Linear Algebra (Prof.Hemalatha, NIT (Retd.),Trichy)
  • Complex Analysis (Prof.K.Srividhya,National College,Trichy)
  • Sequences and Series (Prof.V.Piramanandham,Bharathidasan University)
  • Group Theory (Prof. K.Dhanalakshmi, Holy Cross College, Trichy)
  • Integral Calculus (Prof.Amalorpava Jerline,Holy Cross College,Trichy)
  • Transforms (Prof.M.Manikandan, Bishop Heber College,Trichy)
  • Algebra (Prof.N.Shivaranjani ,Bishop Heber College)
  • Differential Calculus and Vector Calculus (Prof.T.Valanarasu,BDU Constituent College,Perambalur)
  • Lectures will be from 10.00 a.m.to 5.00 p.m
  • Verification of Registration starts at 9:30 a.m.
  • No registration fee.
  • Refreshment will be provided.
  • Those who need lunch must pay Rs.50 per day
  • Accommodation for outstation female participants will be provided in the college hostel at the cost of Rs.1200 which will cover the accommodation and food (breakfast, lunch and dinner).
  • Accommodation for the outstation male participants will be considered depending upon the availability of rooms in the boys’ hostel.

Registration Details

Money transfer can be done to following account :

  • Name : National College Ramanujan Mathematical Society,
  • Bank Name : Indian Bank , Ponnagar, Trichy-620001
  • A/c no. 6336907559 , IFSC Code: IDIB000P105

Please confirm your participation to Dr. V. Sangeetha by sending your name and institution address along with the scanned copy of the money transfer slip through e-mail sangeethamath@nct.ac.in on or before 08-05-2018 (Mobile : 9790451555)

Note: Mails received after 8th May will not be considered. Payment slip must be produced at the time of registration.

Dr.S.Ravi Kulkarni
Bharatidasan University
Principal, National College
Co-ordinator, National College