International Workshop on Recent Advances in Operator Semigroups


Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi is organizing a Workshop on Recent Advances in Operator Semigroups. This workshop is aimed at mathematicians working in Operator semigroups and areas which have close connections to such semigroups. The objective is to bring together experts as well as young researchers working in such areas for an exchange of ideas and provide Indian graduate students and researchers exposure to the cutting edge developments in the field.

The details of the workshop can be found at semigroupsconf

The workshop is open to  researchers working in Operator Semigroups or in areas having close connections to such semigroups. PhD students and College and University teachers are encouraged to apply.

To apply for participation, please fill and submit the form available on the workshop website. Alternatively, applications in the prescribed format may be e-mailed to:
Email: semigroupsdu2017 at
The application deadline is October 16, 2017.

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